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One of the keys to a happy life is having fulfilling relationships. You want to surround yourself with a close circle of people who inspire you to be a better version of yourself. If you struggle to create close relationships, you aren’t alone. Many of us have plenty of acquaintances, but we don’t know how to let our guard down and develop these closer and more fulfilling relationships. If this sounds like you, consider embracing the tips below.

  1. Learn to Accept Imperfection

Perfection is a myth. You can’t expect that all of your relationships will be perfect. It would help if you accepted that there will be ups and downs. Realizing that no one is perfect will help keep your relationship expectations in check.

  1. CARPP

Consistency, availability, reliability, responsiveness, and predictability. These are the five elements that Dr. Amir Levine (psychiatrist) has identified as the foundational elements of a secure relationship.

  1. You Have to Show Up

If you want to become closer to someone, you need to show up. Some of us struggle with social situations, but we should still strive to show up to important events in our loved ones’ lives. This means the good AND the bad. You can’t just show up to celebrate; sometimes, you need to show up to help or support as well.

  1. Become a Better Listener

Do you really listen to your friends, or are you just waiting for a chance to jump in ad speak your piece? If you want a closer relationship, try listening to your friends more. You want to hear what they are saying and show you understand with either your body language or following up with thoughtful questions. You never know what you might learn.

  1. Show a Genuine Interest

Being a better listener isn’t enough on its own. You also need to show genuine, sincere interest in the other person. You should be excited when they are excited about something. You should genuinely enjoy spending time with them and not be afraid to show it.

  1. Relationships Require Trust

Trust is paramount to any relationship. It is also a two-way street. You need to trust your closest friends, and they need to be able to trust you. If trust is ever broken, you need to take real steps (not just saying sorry) to fix it, or else a close relationship will never develop.

  1. Let Them Know You

Letting your guard down can be tough for some people, but it’s hard to have a close relationship unless you do it. The more you let people into your life and allow them to know the real you, the closer your relationship will be.

  1. Talk Through Your Differences

Communication is another key aspect of any healthy relationship. You need to be able to talk about things, even the tough subjects. Being able to disagree respectfully is vital. Being able to give and take feedback is just as important.

  1. Respect Their Boundaries

A close relationship doesn’t necessarily mean physically close. It also doesn’t mean you take up all of each other’s time. A healthy relationship includes time apart and healthy boundaries. You can’t be a true friend if you don’t respect other people’s boundaries.


  1. Reflect on your relationships. Do you feel fulfilled? Which relationships are most important to you?
  2. Which relationships do you want to develop? Try to pinpoint a person or two that you’d like a closer connection with.
  3. All that is left to do is act. Please choose one of the above tips, and put it into action today.
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